Money isn’t the issue anymore!

Uncategorized Jan 18, 2024

People fail to succeed for only one of two reasons; they either don’t know what they are supposed to do, or they won’t do what they are supposed to do. Coaching has always been a way to help people learn the first part, knowing what to do, and then help guide them toward actually doing what they are supposed to do. As a coach, I know all I can do is provide the answers and the client needs to provide the actions in order for it all to come together.

Many people desire coaching, but often can’t find a program that fits their needs, or they can’t make the investment (or won’t make the investment) to hire the coach to help them. For years I have dealt with that issue; knowing that people will succeed if they just invest in themselves, but they don’t believe the investment will pay off for them. So today, I make sure that there is no longer a financial risk when it comes to coaching. If you do better, you pay. If you don’t, you owe nothing. Just keep in mind that you can be fired for not working and taking a spot away from someone who will!

Here is how it works. We look at your 2023 production and establish a baseline for units and dollar volume. We do a complete business plan and schedule of activities you are going to do going forward. We set up our weekly 30-minute accountability sessions, and we make adjustments based upon your specific results! At the end of each month if your production exceeds the monthly baseline, you pay 10bps on the volume that exceeds your baseline. If you don’t exceed the monthly baseline, you owe nothing. Your coaching continues as long as you like or need, and once you leave the program you are responsible for the payments for the next 12 months as established by your original baseline. That’s it. No initial investment, no fees at all if your production doesn’t exceed what you were doing prior to coaching!

I have limited space in my schedule for originators, managers, or corporate clients, so if you are interested, reach out to set up a call to see if we should move forward together to grow your business absolutely risk free!

Questions or comments: [email protected]


50% Complete

Two Step

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