Create The Calm

#corona virus create calm Mar 19, 2020

We have more than enough fear mongering going on for a lifetime. I just wanted to publish a post that was positive and constructive. As a mortgage community we are blessed to be adaptable. Rate changes, product and program changes, guideline changes, and people we come in contact doing some really weird, if not stupid stuff has taught us to adapt quickly and find solutions.

As a frequent traveler, you get used to the things you do to protect yourself and others around you as almost a reflex. We all know how to buckle a seat belt, where the life jackets are stored, and how to put them on, we know to put our oxygen masks on first before helping others, etcetera. So just apply what we know and the skills we have learned to adapt to this situation to help ourselves and those around us.

We are seeing panic! Nobody needs 200 rolls of toilet paper or 500lbs of chicken in their freezer. The world won’t come to an end if you have a mortgage rate in the 3’s! Part of the problem is that social media helps create false realities for people who see others with 200 rolls of toilet paper and now they think they need 200 rolls of toilet paper!

As I have said in the past, we have to put the person back in the profession, and as professionals we need to help create the calm by sharing facts and offering help to those consumed with fear and are in full panic mode.

So we need a clear explanation about how the FED isn’t offering 0% mortgages.

Coronavirus is real and people are afraid, but some are almost paralyzed and a truly scared to move. We need to provide a connection for these people to other people and help support them until this passes. Help can be as simple as just calling and checking in. Help can be a trip to the store to pick up somethings or get a few prescriptions. Maybe a video of all the places that deliver or things they can do with their kids while they are home from school?

All of this also ties together with sharing financial options around refinancing or selling and buying a home when they are really comfortable. If not now, maybe work with a Realtor to help them choose what to paint or repair items that will have the house ready to list when they feel comfortable!

Sometimes all it takes to keep things from going completely off the rails for people is just one calm phone call. A few kind words, an offer to help, or a plan for what we can do now that will Improve Their Tomorrow!

Be that calm. Create that calm. Share the solutions and strategies that will help them break out of their fear and move into their FUTURE!

Questions or comments: [email protected]


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