Planning for Summer!

Uncategorized Apr 24, 2024

One of the key components of coaching is to be sure that my clients are well scheduled and prepared for things they know are coming. Planning for summer is often overlooked but can make a huge difference in your business. You need to look and prepare for events that are going to take place so you can choose to be prepared for them and make them productive for you! Here are the seven things I think everyone in our industry should be prepared for:

  1. Mother’s Day in May
  2. Memorial Day in May
  3. End of your local school year
  4. Father’s Day in June
  5. 4th of July
  6. Your personal and team’s summer schedule

Not all of these are going to be important to everyone in every location. Some have more significance to some people than others. Only you can determine the importance of any or all of these events, but you do need to be aware of all of them and plan accordingly.

While some of these are specific events, they also can create time stamps for specific actions to take place. For example, Mother’s Day can make us think about if we may become caregivers or if our clients may need to think about having mom or dad move in with them? Maybe downsizing mom to a smaller house or possibly using a reverse mortgage to help with financial pressures? There are all kinds of connections that can be made if you are aware of them and plan accordingly.

My big two are the end of school and preparing for vacations! The end of the school year and vacations are natural triggers for action and opportunity! Trading up or down can often need to take place while the kids are out of school! Vacations often take time away from those we work with, for, and those we serve! All can become a huge challenge if we aren’t prepared for it!

Today we have GDP numbers and initial and continuing jobless claims; and Friday we have PCE numbers, all can be market movers so be prepared! If you have questions or comments: [email protected]


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