Special Back to School Opportunities!

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2021

2021 has been a far from typical year. As everyone tries to find what the new normal looks like, we all are trying get ourselves adjusted. As we approach August, we realize the next “new” hurdle will be getting everyone in the family on track with the new schedules and timing of all the kids going back to school.

Back to school in any other year takes some getting used too. In 2021, with most of the country sending their kids back to school on a full-time basis is going to take some extra work! These time and schedule adjustments, even for those without children, can become a real challenge. I for one do not have any children living with me that are going back to school. However, the entrance to my community is on the same street as a school. Everyone that lives here knows that you must work around the school activity both in the morning and the afternoon or run the risk of getting tied up in traffic as the kids are dropped off and picked up!

It may sound silly, but with the year away from doing this, it could be quite an adjustment. It can also become an issue for those who have children that are changing schools and adjusting to new schedules. It’s not always just as simple as getting them out the door, it also is being sure that their full schedule allows for a smooth transition from home to school and then back again.

With these issues also comes a series of opportunities. Time, location, transportation, and a combination of schedules may open the door to mortgage and real estate choices to help manage it all. Remember, even as the kids go back to school, some parents are still working from home. While it may be helpful, it isn’t without its challenges. Without a clear break, some parents find it difficult to shift from parent mode to work mode without going to the office.

Refinancing the current home and updating or renovating could be a solution! New bedrooms, bathrooms, home office, or complete makeover could do the trick. However, the situation may require a complete change, and now listing, selling, and buying the next home become a reality. So be sure to connect with your database and ASK them how things are going and see if you can help them get back to school without their home becoming part of the problem.

Questions or comments: [email protected]


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