The Mentoring Mindset!

Uncategorized Jan 19, 2023

As I approach forty years connected to the mortgage and real estate industry, I have given a great deal of thought about what the last phase of my career will look like. I have really thought deeply about what I know, and the things I have learned, and have concluded that my favorite part of all I have been a part of has been helping others find their path in this industry. So, my future will be committed to what I will call “The Mentoring Mindset”.

I will continue to write and record content but will limit my individual originator coaching clients and spend more time with teams, managers, branches, and working with companies to help them develop the “Mentoring Mindset” so the next generation of coaches, trainers, managers, and leaders will be in place to help future producers, top producers and others do a better job building and nurturing relationships with referral partners and their clients by providing an exceptional client experience and ongoing value. 

The last six months have been very challenging for the industry. Some have been prepared while others somehow seem surprised that mortgage rates didn’t go to zero and stay there. I believe in addition to large layoffs that have taken place, there will be a real need for mentoring those that will be the ones who not only survive in 2023 and beyond but thrive! This will require a commitment to building out a “value culture” committed to compete through personal connections and commitment to truly exceptional experiences.

So, if you have ten originators or five thousand; if you have just one branch, or hundreds, if you would like to be part of what I believe the future of mortgage originations will evolve into that doesn’t require spending millions on commercials and sign-on bonuses, maybe we should talk? I will share more of this vision in the weeks to come. Remember, you can’t keep cutting your way to prosperity; at some point, someone must generate and convert opportunities!

Questions or comments: [email protected]


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