There are no words!

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2021

As many of you know, August has always been a challenging month for me and my family due to the number of tragic events we have had to endure. One of the things that helped me get through those times, as well as the ongoing struggle to deal with the loss, has been the outpouring of love and support from those I have been connected to through my life serving the mortgage and real estate community. 

This week has once again challenged me of the struggles of August. This time the loss is that of my clients, Cori & Amie Drudge who tragically lost their two daughters in a car accident.

I have known and worked with them for more than a decade and have felt them to be much more than clients but as friends and family. I have watched Cori and Amie come together and manage the blending of families and the balancing of all the relationships that go with it. The one constant has been the love they hold for each other, and for their children.

I understand the pain of loss as well as anyone, and yet there are still no words for me to share that will take away the pain. I can only say that the community around them shares the love and support they will need during this time.

 There will be no Vlog post this week and I ask that you direct your thoughts, prayers, and support to Cori & Amie, and their family.

There are no words.

Coach Mike


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