Credit card debt is at an all-time high and going higher. How much longer will it be before the credit card companies begin to stop extending credit limits and exhaust the last lifeline many consumers have to try to stay afloat? Could this upcoming holiday season be the final nail in the consumer...
As we continue to roll through business planning month, I feel the need to be sure you all understand the importance of knowing the relationship between your efforts and your outcomes. Making significant investments of time and energy into different areas of opportunity is a part of our business....
I had to post a little early this week in advance of Milton’s arrival. You live in South Florida long enough, you kind of go into “hurricane mode” and do what you need to do in advance of a pending storm. Most who live here are prepared, some are not. So as Milton bears down on...
Welcome to October! So much to do, only ten weeks left to get it done to close out 2024 strong and roll into 2025 with a full pipeline! As you know, October has always been business planning month for me and my clients because you need time to do the work, set in place the strategies and...
Yes, the FED cut the overnight lending rate by fifty basis points and mortgage rates went higher! Yes, the markets moved higher on the 30-day rates, but have you looked at 45- and 60-day pricing? Pricing on longer term locks is signaling that the markets are betting on the rate market going...
Yes, we finally got a FED rate cut and while the FED has had a long-standing policy not to move the needle on interest rates in a presidential election year, it looks like Jerome Powell didn’t want to end his tenure as FED Chairman letting the economy fall into a deep recession. While I am...
As we approach the last 90 days in 2024 to earn money for this year, the urge to automate your communications can be a very costly mistake. Email blasts to your entire database, messages directly to voicemail, and even posts on social media can cost you more than you know. It is NOT a great idea...
We have a lot of things to cover this week, and we must start with Accountants! By now, you have an entire list of accountants you have worked with in the past and now is the time to connect and have the conversation about tax extension filings and the opportunities in a declining rate market!
For far too long many the mortgage industry had to try and explain to consumers and their referral partners the difference between “Price” & “Value”. We all know the comparisons, Walmart to Target to Nordstroms. We have all seen that all things are not created equal...
We all know that the markets react far too violently to the BLS jobs report and never look at the revisions. I have shared my opinions about the lack of value in these numbers because they are constantly being revised, and likely those revisions tell a story that doesn’t flatter the...
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