Crossroads are here!

Uncategorized Feb 11, 2021

In 2018 I traveled the country sharing with real estate agents and mortgage professionals my concerns of pending troubles approaching our industries. I tried to share and warn people about the growing trend of buying leads and building teams of people to call and message those leads one after...

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Why the need for a Buyer tax credit?


Lots of talk making its way through our industry and the public about a possible first time buyer tax credit. Some say possibly $15,000 is a number but nothing is even close to being on paper, much less a law. But as long as people are going to talk about this, why not have a really good look at...

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Calling all Accountants!


We have about a week to reach out and make our connections with our accountant referral partners before they start getting tied up with tax returns. Accountants are excellent referral partners and very easy to connect with if you follow a simple plan like the one we have laid out on the website...

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Options are everything!


Business is booming and a large number of first time buyers are entering or coming back to the market. It’s a great time to make that commitment to buy that first house, but in many cases, the buyers don’t get the full story or know ALL of their options. See if any of these sound...

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Sudden Credit Surprises


January arrives every year and brings with it some credit challenges for those who may have over indulged on their purchasing in December. Record online sales and spending on holiday gifts are nice, but may bring about a few “Sudden Credit Surprises” for your clients. Here are a few...

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No Guessing Required

covid only facts Jan 07, 2021

If 2020 was a challenging year for all of us, 2021 is certainly starting out with a lot of activity. Purchase activity, refinance activity, COVID activity, vaccination activity, political activity, and quite a bit of activity in the bond market!

The purchase and refinance activity is pretty much...

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Happy New Year!


First, let me wish all of you a very Happy New Year! 2020 has been rewarding for the mortgage industry, despite many challenges. The market doesn’t appear to be slowing down at all as we approach 2021 and the busiest listing period of the year and millions of loans that would still benefit...

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Merry Christmas 2020!

Uncategorized Dec 24, 2020

It’s Christmas Eve 2020 and I am sure you all have many things to take care of today so I will keep this message short and to the point.

First, I would like to thank all of you for reading, watching, sharing, and commenting on these posts; without you, there would be no need for this.


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Twas the week before Christmas!

Uncategorized Dec 17, 2020

                  Twas the week before Christmas,

                  And despite what the media has said;


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It's about more than just luck!


2020 has been a year unlike any other. While we began the year with lower rates, COVID-19 quickly took the spotlight. Despite shutdowns and layoffs, refinances boomed and the purchase market kept everyone moving. We have not been at a loss for opportunities with rates more than 1% lower than this...

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