Mortgage Applications Improve

Uncategorized Feb 03, 2022

The big moves in rates last week also created a large move in mortgage applications. With purchase applications going up by 4% and refinances rising by 18%, people are looking to fix their costs NOW! 

Working the higher end rental markets has been going exceptionally well. All of the people...

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Another thought day in the bond market!

Uncategorized Jan 27, 2022

First let me start by saying today would have been my mother’s 95 birthday. Happy Birthday in Heaven Mom!

Yesterday was another bad day in the bond market, Things seemed to be doing okay until the Fed meeting at 2pm, and then things got bad; then got much worse. Losing more than 60bps on...

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“The world isn’t over; it may just look that way”

Uncategorized Jan 20, 2022

I have shared for the last six months my concerns about inflation, higher mortgage rates, and what all of this will mean to the housing and mortgage industries. I maintained the position of: “If you like it, LOCK IT” so everyone could avoid the unpleasant rise in rates that was before...

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Welcome to 2022

Uncategorized Jan 06, 2022

2022 is here and the first full week is ending. What a powerful first few days it has been for sure. After a record setting 2021 for mortgage purchase dollar volume of more than $1.6 TRILLION in closed purchased loans, is everyone ready for an even better 2022? It will be better for you the...

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Bad Day for Bonds!

Uncategorized Dec 30, 2021

Yesterday was a bad day for bonds. A poor 7yr note auction pushed the UMBS 30 2.5% coupon down 36bps to a floor of support at 101.80, while the 10yr T rose 8bps to 1.55, which is just 5 bps below the current ceiling of resistance of 1.60.

I always get nervous when the markets move sharply right...

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Is it just me?

Uncategorized Dec 23, 2021

Social media means many things to many people. I am a content provider, and I am sure there are many who disagree with my thoughts, observations, and strategies, but I find it interesting that there are so many people who post absolute LIES repeatedly, just to generate clicks and views. Now I...

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Let's Get Real!

Uncategorized Dec 16, 2021

The FED had it’s meeting this week and made some observations and projections that they supported with their “FACTS”. While Jerome Powell has tried to bury his whole “tapering” comments with a simple shrug of the shoulders and the comment that we won’t use the...

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The Final Countdown!

Uncategorized Dec 09, 2021

The last few days of 2021 are upon us and now we begin the final countdown to 2022. A simple checklist of tasks and items will help create a smooth transition form year to year and allow you to enjoy as much time as possible enjoying family and friends.

  1. Get very clear as to your calendar. What...
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No more transitory inflation!

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2021

Last April, the Federal Reserve addressed inflation fears with the word “transitory”. The conversation was directed to the markets to believe that current inflation pressures were not severe, and in fact, would dissipate as people went back to work and the supply chain corrected...

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Happy Thanksgiving 2019!

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2021

Thanksgiving is the time of year to reflect and be grateful for all that we have. I want to wish all of you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving and the enjoyment with family and friends. I am always reminded that regardless of your situation, there is always something to be thankful for and...

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